Meet Chris Helder

Chris Helder is a professional speaker and author who is known for his explosive energy, engaging style, humour and delivering takeaways for clients that can be implemented immediately back in the office. He is the perfect speaker to ignite your conference, ignite your team and ignite your organisation.

Chris is a master in the areas of mindset, communication, influence skills, and has been the keynote speaker at high-profile conferences around the world. Chris is the author of five books, including his latest book, “Re-ignition: How to gain power when you feel flat, tired, and uninspired”. His best-selling book, “Useful Belief” is one of Australia’s highest selling business books of all time.

Chris has presented at over 2,500 conferences around the world, sharing his insights and strategies on how to communicate effectively, inspire and motivate teams, and achieve success in business and life.

Chris is known for his ability to connect with all types of audiences, using real-life examples and humour to drive his message home. His goal is to inspire individuals and organisations to think differently and achieve their full potential.


Watch Chris in Action…

List of Topics


How Useful Belief changes how you look at work and the customer experience

This high energy keynote is loaded with high energy, laughter, is highly entertaining and, most importantly, is loaded with takeaways for the team to take back into the office and put into place immediately. This presentation focuses on two areas, mindset and building customer relationships.

In terms of mindset, the focus will be on Useful Belief. This part of the presentation will challenge the team to re-frame the challenging parts of their working lives and help them develop a Useful Belief about those areas. This shift in mindset and re-frame gives the audience the power to take control of their mindset and open their brain to the opportunities that present themselves.

The second part of the presentation is how to recognise and adapt to different personality styles and determine how the audience can be more effective in dealing with all people. Through this process, the team will enjoy learning about themselves and other colleagues, but also realise the importance of having a Useful Belief in relation to some of the personalities that they may be naturally challenged by.

Key takeaways include:

  • Realising the power of re-framing through the Useful Belief technique
  • Understanding how we can re-frame our perception of different personality styles
  • Improve the customer experience through mindset and curiosity
  • Increase resilience in the team


How to gain rapport quickly and the power of asking the right questions

What if you could magically increase your power to influence people? Imagine how it could increase the bottom line. Better yet, what if you could have a team that knew how to influence others and the right questions to ask?

This keynote presentation is about the art of understanding the customer. Through the power of the FORD technique (family, occupation, relax, dreams) this simple influence tool will help unlock what is really happening for the customer. By learning and understanding about what is most important to them, the customer experience will improve. In addition, this keynote unlocks how to quickly gain rapport through the power of matching body language, reading simple body language cues, and the body language 1%ers that make a difference in how we show up every day.

The key takeaways include:

  • Gain rapport quickly by learning the art of matching body language
  • Understand what drives your customer to increase results
  • Learn to read simple body language cues to help navigate every interaction
  • Know the body language 1%ers that change the customer experience


Total radical responsibility and the five steps to igniting the team

Let’s face it – at certain times all teams need to be re-ignited. Everyone can feel flat, tired, and a little uninspired at times. Sometimes an organisation goes through challenging times. Whether that is a changing market, changing legislation, economic factors, increased budgets, or a change in leadership. There are times that the organisation needs to relight that inner spark again.

This keynote presentation lays out the five steps to re-ignition. Through masterful storytelling, high energy, and humour, Chris guides you through the process of acceptance, total radical responsibility, perspective, engagement, and clarity. For some organisations, the team is not in acceptance, but instead they are in denial. Instead of ownership, they blame everyone else. Instead of perspective, they are self-loathing. Instead of excellent customer engagement, they are frozen. Instead of clarity, they are resigned to do things as they have always been done. This keynote is about re-igniting the team.

Key takeaways:

  • Immediately take charge of the situation you are in
  • Take radical responsibility for your part in the adversities you face
  • Gain perspective and clarity on the goal setting moving forward
  • Re-discover the purpose of why you do what you do


The art of reading the client and winning the business

The basics of selling have not changed over the years, yet in many other ways the methods of effective selling have changed dramatically in response to the increased complexity of modern society. In this session, Chris can take the advanced selling methodologies and make them easy to understand and simple to apply.

By presenting a series of sales techniques, Chris can help the team master the art of curiosity, gain deep levels of rapport, separate out from the competition, and share ideas on closing the sale. This is the process of reading the client and winning the business.

Key takeaways:

  • Knowing the right questions to ask to increase the customer experience
  • Understanding how to separate out from competition using “Equalise then Separate”
  • Dealing with objections and the power of curiosity language
  • Tools for winning the business

Videos / Showreel

Want to learn more about Chris Helder?

Contact Tier One for further information and discuss your event needs.